So I tried wheat meat in several varieties and ways a decade ago, wasn't impressed, trying again, and making it easier. Bought a box of your typical Hodgen Mill Vital Wheat Gluten (6 1/2 oz), mine had vitamin c added, small town, only one to be found. Add 1/4 teaspoon each: paprika, pepper, garlic granules, combine well. Add 1 cup water, combine well, knead it for 3 minutes, it becomes spongy and springs back pretty quick. Cover it in water for 5 minutes, knead for a minute, cover in very warm water a few minutes, knead a minute again. You are doing this just to make sure get the excess starch is rinsed out, probably not necessary in this case but I wanted a very stiff consistency. Heat up 3 cups water to boiling, add 1 tablespoon braggs amino acids or soy or something for a salt, and 1 tablespoon dried vegetables (or use broth cube or powder). My dried vegetable powder was one of my dehydrated concoctions of carrot, asparagus, green onion, celery, sage, and possibly a couple o...