Impatient Watermelon Salvaging and Sandwich Biscuits

The next two recipes cut back on kitchen waste  dramatically.

Pickled watermelon.
I am not that adventurous, but always willing to make something to try. Used just enough rind wedges to fill the jar, just to try out.

The Watermelon Rind Pickles

1/3 cup water + 1 tbsp
1/3 cup vanilla sugar+ 1 tbsp
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar + 1 tbsp
1/4 tsp caraway sed
1/2 tsp powdered ginger

Heat water and seasoning up to a boil, let it boil 3 minutes.
Have jar packed with clean rind (mouth nibble cut off, and outer skin peeled off), mine were wedge shapes.
Fill jar with liquid.
Tighten lid and flip upside down.
Cool to room temp, then place in fridge, ready in 24 hours, good for a month.

Spouse Quote on Watermelon Pickles:

Sweet and refreshing, with just the right amount of briny vinegar zing. Would be great in a relish or salsa, but pretty good on their own

Watermelon Rind Jam

Pb and J go over well in this house, things to put on biscuits/scones/muffins/pancakes, and things to go into mixed summer drinks!

Sometimes I use a scale, this was one of those times. 
1. I had somewhere between 4-6 cups diced watermelon rind. 
Weighed it on scale, divided that number by half and put that much sugar in.

2. Let it sit together overnight in fridge or a 1-3  hours on counter, covered.

3. Cook on simmer for an hour and a half,  having added whole all spice and a spent vanilla bean, with lid on.

4. Remove lid after that time and turn the heat up for half an hour to thicken juice.

5. Once pieces are translucent, put them in sterilized jars (my batch only made 1 jar plus about 1/8th of a cup).

6. Then tighten jars, flip upside down until they are easier to handle, then flip them right side up until room temperature. Finally, they go in fridge and are eaten in a month. I am assuming these are just like the juice jelly I make and quick pickles, that they are good if sat for 24 hours, then just try to use them within 30 days. I have not eaten this jelly yet, I do plan to check out the texture tomorrow, though. It looks very loose which will be fine for glazing or used with a light hand on a biscuit. Didn't care for the smell, haven't brought myself to trying it yet.

The rind jam cooking.

(I have not done preserving yet, I only do these instant gratification-type canning things)

The biscuits 

I am making today and tomorrow for easy meal additions, to test the jam, and to use up other jams and nut butters in the house this week.

It's usually about:
3 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
-cut in-
4 tbsp butter-flavored crisco
-stir in-
1 cup soy milk
1 tbsp lemon/vinegar/apple cider vinegar

Make into 8 biscuits.
Place in greased, glass pie pan.
Brush soy milk on top.
400f for 15 minutes.
Let rest outside oven for 15 minutes before cutting and serving.


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