Impatient Solutions
Food Matters is a great movie that put in to words things I've been experimenting with. Health has gotten progressively better as lifestyle has changed. Knowledge is power and you are what you eat and all that. Eating more local so less nutrients are lost from field to table. Cook less so that less nutrients get cooked away. Use less canned and prepared food, switch to more fresh or frozen food (less processed vegetable, fruit, beans). If you don't like certain foods that provide nutrients you need-try supplements! Yes you want to ask the doctor if he thinks a supplement will react with a drug he has prescribed to you but vitamins are what you find in food so it is rare they will hurt you, unlike prescribed drugs. Some prescriptions may be helping your symptoms but vitamins and minerals can actually help your body to heal itself, not just the symptoms. So a post was eating at me as I watched. Realizing most doctors we all go to as a general practice doctor don't alway...