Pizza not always for the impatient

It's been about pizza and dough for it, lately. Seasoned dough looks pretty for a pizza and sauces that aren't the typical red or white. Dessert pizzas that aren't just icing and candy.

Dough-3 tsp yeast dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water (110df), add that to 1 3/4 cups flour, TBSP of sugar, 2 TBSP oil, 1/2 tsp salt, and any seasonings you wish to add (I like throwing color into the crust with dried things like turmeric, parsley, and peppers). I usually let this proof once for between 30 minutes to an hour. Add more flour if too sticky!!! Rub your rolling pin, board and hands with flour and sprinkle more as needed.
Enough for 2-4 pizzas depending on size. I usually freeze some so that next time, one can be pulled out, allowed to thaw in a warm spot.

Sauce-pureed squash, pumpkin, tomato, zucchini. Pick one- puree, season (salt and pepper), and use a fine strainer to get rid of some of the extra moisture.

Usually use about 1 cup of toppings and maybe 1/3-1/2 cup of cheese, if used. Place things that you want well cooked after the sauce and cheese. Things you want less cooked, place before the cheese or even before the sauce.

Use a pizza stone and roll crust super thin if you like thin crust. I usually make a soft thin crust on plain pizza pan pictured.

The above pizza had a pureed butternut squash  (or some other pumpkin or squash I had made into a soup prior) sauce. Toppings were mushroom, homegrown eggplant and green bell pepper.


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