Impatient Solutions

Food Matters is a great movie that put in to words things I've been experimenting with. Health has gotten progressively better as lifestyle has changed. Knowledge is power and you are what you eat and all that. Eating more local so less nutrients are lost from field to table. Cook less so that less nutrients get cooked away. Use less canned and prepared food, switch to more fresh or frozen food (less processed vegetable, fruit, beans). If you don't like certain foods that provide nutrients you need-try supplements! Yes you want to ask the doctor if he thinks a supplement will react with a drug he has prescribed to you but vitamins are what you find in food so it is rare they will hurt you, unlike prescribed drugs. Some prescriptions may be helping your symptoms but vitamins and minerals can actually help your body to heal itself, not just the symptoms.

So a post was eating at me as I watched. Realizing most doctors we all go to as a general practice doctor don't always go through a class on nutrition, something I have studied and been enthralled with since high school. The standard blurb doctors give you is "cut back on salt and stress, eat less bad fat, get your good cholesterol up, eat right". You cannot fault the doctors for not realizing you are not a cyborg, and for thinking you already eat properly. They are from a: "if it is broke, I will splint it" point of view.

Not many who are healthy and rarely see the doctor think "Oh hey, what I'm doing works and I should tell everyone". It's not their fault they don't realize everyone is NOT eating like them! When you see someone who looks great, ask what they eat. Since these people don't need to see a doctor-it is rare they can tell a doctor "I studied up and decided to try such and such (a food or supplement for a specific ingredient)-and it worked!" They are a from a: "I feel great, food IS my medicine" point of view.

There are many nutrients that work in a variety of ways and many times in conjunction with each other. If the body is deficient in one  nutrient, that can cause more than one problem, that is why when you change foods or vitamins-you may notice several changes. This is why when I have to breakdown and eat something I didn't prepare myself (such as fast food), I try to cleanse it out as soon as possible so that needed nutrients can be absorbed properly.

An example-I start eating fish after decades of thinking I was allergic to them but perhaps I was just eating bad seafood. Bouts of depression caused by lack of Niacin is helped by eating tuna, salmon and more. So miraculously, once on a solid diet making niacin more available-the mind opens and one realizes that half the depression is gone! The other half-from sociological causes-deadbeat, dead weight acquaintances that need to be let go and not depended on! Niacin also plays a part in elevating good cholesterol (HDL) and other solutions, if something is getting worse-lower your intake of whatever it is you are trying.

A side-note, hominy was added to my diet when I moved to New Mexico. Corn itself doesn't make niacin available but when you use a process called  NIXtamalization, it is turned into hominy, allowing niacin to be accessed. Those who know me will find a chuckle in that process name.


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