Impaziente gnocchi

So many things have fantastic names that conjure visions of other lands and times. Gnocchi is one that recently grabbed my attention. It started as a Middle Eastern (Roman) pasta. Many areas now have their own version of it. Some made with flour, potatoes added, or even other vegetables added. Some cultures consider it a dumpling.


1 cup milk (I used canned goat milk)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic
1/4 tsp pepper
2 TBSP butter
1 cup wheat flour
1 egg
1 cup flour (or how ever much more is need to make a dough not sticky)

Heat the first 5 ingredients to a simmer in a large pan or pot.
Once butter has melted, remove from heat and add flour, combine thoroughly, then add egg and combine thoroughly.
Add plain flour and stir well.
Make a rope about an inch in diameter, cut pieces of half inch.
Place a fork upside-down. Place a piece of dough on the hump.
Roll dough along the tines of the fork to get a shaped pasta/dumpling.
Boil for 7 minutes in salted water. Drain set aside to add to "sauce"
*This shape will help capture the sauce you serve them with!
*This recipe made 8 servings as opposed to the 2 servings I was going for-cut in half if you wanna try a small version, use the yolk to split the egg.
*1/4  of this dough went into lunch, 1/4 into the dehydrator for drying test, and 1/2 went in the freezer for me to mess with another time.


large tomato
yellow crookneck squash
2 or more large mushrooms
salt and pepper

Dice and saute ingredients for about 5 minutes, then add pasta.
Pasta will absorb flavors, cook about 5 more minutes, just until vegetables are cooked (not mushy).


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